Friends,we are starting with a new series

As you all know,the aim of this page is to promote learning.So we are starting a new series titled “Tips”,which includes nursing exam related tips on various topics.All the tips will have a short explanation of it.This is the first one…

Notes:Gentle bubbling indicates air leakage.The higher the number in bubbling column,the higher will be the air leakage

indian nurses community

Book Review;Florence Nightingale,She dared to be different

                Some weeks back, i got an opportunity to attend a seminar as part of Nurses day.It was a brilliant talk where the speaker narrated the life and work of FN and that was when i realised i knew little about the lady with lamp.

                 back from seminar,i searched all most all the bookshops here and ended up buying this book.It is a great book depicting FN under various titles like the statistician,the linguistic etc..


                    Florence was brought up in a religious family and felt very close to God.It was this belief that made her to relieve the physical suffering of others as the God didnt want or intend man to suffer.

Little known aspects of Florence Nightingale

  1. She has mastery in german,latin,greek,maths,statistics and philosophy.
  2. she invented pie chart(strange to know!)
  3. Karl Pearson(remember stati classes) referred her as prophetess in the development of applied statistics.
  4. Notes on Nursing published by FN served as the cornerstone of the curriculum of nursing schools.

                 It is good to know more about the person who believed the purpose of nursing is to put the person in best condition for nature to restore or preserve friends grsb a  copy of this wonderful book.

About the author

Pushpa Biswas is a nursing graduate with more than 60years of experience..She graduated from AIIMS,New Delhi.Presently she is the matron of kasturba health society,Wardha,Maharashtra.

“All glory comes from daring to begin” -Shakespeare

Schedules of manufacturing drugs

Schedules are a classification of prescription of drugs as per Drugs and Cosmetics rule(1954).there are mainly 6 schedules and each schedule is specific for each category of drugs like antibiotics.

Schedule H :almost all the common drugs are coming under this category.There will be always a warning which reads To be sold on the prescription of registered medical practioner only.Rx symbol is present on the label.but if it is a narcotic drug such as fentanyl,instead of Rx,NRx will be present.

Schedule X:Psychotropic drugs are classified in this category and it is represented as XRx in red letters.This should be stored under lock and key.

Schedule C :This includes biological and special intravenous products like vaccines,antigen,insulin

  C1:Drugs in Digitalis group(cardiac glycosides) and hormones belongs to this.

Schedule E:Poisonous drugs

Schedule G :nurses with oncology experiences might be familiar with this.It includes anticancer drugs.The label should contain a warning CAUTION:It is dangerous to take this preparation except under medical supervision.The containers are labelled in Red against White background.



Hope you clear with this .If you need any clarification ask in comments.